2009年6月30日 星期二

Flamingo 2.0 SR1 正式版開放下載

Flamingo 2.0 SR 1 正式版開放下載

  • Cast shadows can now be turned off and on using a script.
  • Crash Fixes:
    • Cancelling a rendering sometimes crashed.
    • Processing the lights in the scene prior to rendering sometimes crashed.
    • Flamingo sometimes crashed when reading a Rhino model.
  • Evaluation version installer did not work with the Rhino 4 evaluation version installer. This is fixed.
  • Flamingo control panels now remember their previous locations.
  • Flamingo render window will now be visible if you mimize Rhino while rendering and then restore it when rendering is complete.
  • Groundcover works on closed curves and polylines.
  • Light Dome manager: Opening the light dome manager incorrectly collapsed the light dome tree in the Environment manager. This is fixed.
  • Lights with falloff values set are now rendered correctly.
  • When the License Manager cannot be contacted, Flamingo displays a message instead of crashing.


