- 新指令:
- ptGridSurfaceDomain. It divides a surface by its UV domain. Divide method can be byNumber, byArcLength or byCordLength. There are options to select base point and change UV directions. The command also supports history.
- ptPlanarLips to create variable offset of planar (unrolled) faces.
- ptChanegeGridDensity. Helps increase and decrease grid density in U and V directions.
- ptExtendGrid to extend a paneling grid by user-defined distance in U and V directions.
- 新功能:
- Added an option to ptDivideSurfaceUV to divide the surface by CordLength. The command already support dividing byNumber and ByArcLength.
- ptUnifiyFacesDirection (previously ptUnifyFacesNormal) has new options to adjust the faces U and V directions to match the base surface.
- It is now possible to project paneling edges/faces in a user-defined direction. Use "PanelShape=Projected" in ptPanelGrid command
- 修正的錯誤:
- Few bug fixes and refinements to ptUnroll commands.
- Fix and I/O crash bug.
2009年6月8日 星期一
PanelingTools for Rhino 4.0 版本更新 (2009-6-8)
新版本的 PanelingTools for Rhino 4.0 外掛程式開放下載,這個版本的更新摘要如下: