2009年12月21日 星期一

PanelingTools for Rhino 4.0 SR7 開放下載

新版本的 PanelingTools for Rhino 4.0 外掛程式開放下載

  • Added the new ptPanelGridCustomVariable command with history support. This command allows input pattern to scale, rotate, move or morph based on curvature, attractors or randomly.
  • Added new command ptMeanCurves to find intermediate curves between start and end curves. it does not do curve seam matching. You need to use CrvSeam to align the 2 shapes seam before running the command.
  • Added new ptSwapGridUV command to swap UV direction of a paneling grid.
  • Added new ptWeaveGrids command to merge two paneling grids.
  • Added new ptConvertToDiagonalGrid command to change the standard rectangular paneling grid to a diagonal one.
  • Added new ptConvertToDiamondGrid command to change the standard rectangular paneling grid to a diamond one.
  • Added 4 new commands to save and load 2d and 3d patterns to and from a text file format. Those are the patterns created with the 2D/3D pattern manager.
  • Added the new command ptExtractCenterGrid. It generates a new grid based on the center points of some input grid.
  • Added 8 new scripting functions.
  • Added "undo" option to ptManage2DPatterns and ptManage3DPatterns commands.
  • Added ProjectionDirection option to ptPanelSurface and ptPanelCurve command when PanelShape=Projected.
  • Added AttractorCurves option to commands: ptOffsetBorder, ptOffestPoints, ptExtrudeEdge, ptOffsetEdge and ptFinEdges.
  • Added history support to ptOffsetPoints command.
  • Added new output format options to ptPanel3D command. It is now possible to choose to output edges, faces, solids and/or meshes.
  • Updated all ptPanel3D built-in patterns to output selected format. Patterns WireBox and Box are merged into one.

  • Fixed ptDirection bug. When rows length is not equal, reversing the direction did not realign end points to be in one column.
  • Fixed a history bug in ptPanelGridCustom command.
  • Made faces directions consistent when using built-in patterns in ptPanelGrid command.
  • Fix ptGridCurve bug. the command used to fail if it cannot calculate a preview grid when no projection is found. the command now allow the user to get to the next step to reset projection and extrusion directions to get desired grid.

  • PanelingTools for Rhino 5.0 WIP 32/64位元版本即將推出。
  • Glenn Wilcox 在他的部落格 generative design computing 分享了三個新的教學。詳情...
  • 新增兩個新的短片,說明新增的 ptPanelgridCustomVariable 指令如何配合 History 使用。詳情...
  • Tex-Fab 近期將在阿靈頓的德州大學舉辦 PanelingTools 研討會。詳情...


