2010年6月15日 星期二

Master's Degree in BIODIGITAL ARCHITECTURE - Barcelona

The Master's Degree in BIODIGITAL ARCHITECTURE at the ESARQ-UIC approaches the study of architecture from biological and digital perspectives. Within the context of the Genetic Architectures Research Line in ESARQ, this postgraduate programme pays special attention to new digital-cybernetic and ecological-environmental architectural design, for develop concepts like genetic and generative, emergence into natural and digital world, bio-mimesis, bio-learning, etc.

Experimenting with genetic motor software, evolutionary processes, emergent systems, algorithms, parametrics, scripting, etc. Last technologies have given us new production possibilities (data-driven production, CNC, 3D printers), which are in turn leading to non-standard architectural formulations that resemble genetic principles (variation, mutation, hybridization).

Rhino, RhinoScript, Grasshopper and RhinoCAM are the main software tools used at this Master.
  • Duration: 1 academic year / 60 ECTS credits (1800 h)
  • Schedule: November 2010 to July 2011


