2010年6月9日 星期三

Workshops and Symposium On Digital Design Processes - 奧地利

Intricate Correlations - Intensification of Relations
Workshops and Symposium On Digital Design Processes in Obergurgl / Tirol

June 7-13
Conducted by Prof. Patrik Schumacher the institute for experimental architecture.hochbau at Innsbruck University/Austria has set its focus on script based and parametric design research within the last years, aiming to explore new design methods in order to advance the field of contemporary digital architectural design. [...]

institute for experimental architecture.hochbau therefore invite experts in the field, innovative companies and groups of students to come to the Innsbruck University Centre in Obergurgl/Tirol to take part in a 3 day session of intensive workshops and discussions to further investigate the potential of this quite openly layed out topic. [...]


Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects)
Tobias Wallisser (LAVA, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design)
Hanif M Kara (akt Adam Kara Taylor, London)
Jalal El Ali (Geometrical Optimisation and Engineering, London), tbc
Wolfgang Rieder (fibreC Company, Rieder Beton)
Gernot Riether (Georgia Instititute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA)
Claudia Pasquero (Ecologic Studio, London)
Mario Gasser (Studio Hadid, University of Applied Arts, die angewandte)
Wolfgang Löschnig (TU Graz)


There are 4 workshops, 2 of them dealing with Grasshopper and geco (Grasshopper To Ecotect and viceversa).


