2012年12月2日 星期日

madCAM 5 Beta for Rhino 5

madCAM 5 beta for Rhino 5 發布!


•  可於Rhino 5 (64-bit)及(32-bit)微軟視窗系統作業。
•  New level with 16 new functions for simultaneous 5-axis milling.
•  New interface with dynamic visualization of the cutter and tool holder when picking curves.
•  New adaptable machine setup and save to file option.
•  Machines can contain tool library, postprocessor, external dll for kinematics and simulation etc.
•  Predefined machines can be selected with one click from a dropdown list.
•  可由Rhino指令列執行指令設定。
•  給高階使用者及入門使用者。


